Hello Everyone,
I hope all is well! Saturday June 29th we begin a journey of exploration that will take us deeper into the awareness of both the Wilderness and the Wilderness within. We will be cultivating and enjoying the internal power that Nature so graciously flows and makes accessible. We begin with Taiji Qigong and Nei Gong in the park; practices founded through the observation of Nature that restores, strengthens and connects us to the Stars above and the Earth below. The alchemy of both of these extremes bring harmony, balance, vitality, and the fullness of being alive. We then take a break sipping and learning of Wild Ancient Tea before picking up a sword or a bamboo staff to embody spiral power and move as Nature moves. We travel from the park to a Mountain Stream for a quiet organic lunch far away from the hustle of modern civilization back into the primal origins from where our ancestors thrived. Embraced by the sounds of flowing Water speaking a language long forgotten, we relax. From the Stream to a mountain yurt we merge with the Infinite vibrations of the crystal bowls, the gong, voice and poetry and drift into dreams of vision. After an earthy, heartfelt dinner and night falls, we commune with a dancing Fire beneath a star lit darkness. In the thick of Wilderness, experiencing all as long lost friends, we gaze at the stars and soon after fall into a deep sleep. Rising in the morning grateful, still embraced by Darkness and Moon, we sit and greet Light and Sun in awe as they find their way over the ridge and through the Trees bringing another day. We then ascend deeper into the Mountains, the forrest floor beneath our feet filling us with a step that cannot be described. Call it magic or just the way things are supposed to be; it’s a world calling, waiting, to once again infuse all it’s majesty within us.
Join us and experience a union that only hearts can understand.
Thank you,

TAITN cultivates and embodies spiral or serpent power; the power of Nature – the voice of Destiny. TAITN is based on the Yang Style Long Form of Taiji and the spiraling motions within Tennis. The Form is medicine and a practice in self-realization and for those interested it is a practice in mastering motion for the relaxed, but full expression of internal power. The benefits are far reaching from healing to high performance. We move to unite the breath, the body, the mind and the spirit with the Yin energy of the Earth from below and theYang energy of Heaven or Stars from above. The alchemy produces Jin or internal power and reconnects us to the power of Nature – the voice of Destiny.
Saturday August 5, 2023
9:30am – Noon
9:30am Wild, Ancient Tree Tea Tasting
Stryder Simms
10:00am Qigong Nei Gong TaiJi
Jeff English
Jeff English
LOCATION: Water & History Park on Upper Canyon Rd. (view map)

June 25, 2022
We first go inward relaxing, sinking the Qi, accumulating life-force, then learn to move as Nature moves. As we learn to move as Nature moves, Nature begins to move through us. In movement we discover stillness, in stillness we discover movement. Join us as we retreat into ourselves and into the wilderness where Tai Ji, Qigong, and Nei Gong found their origin and cultivate the presence and the magic of Nature! I am very excited to invite you to this intimate workshop experience that begins at the Water & History Park on Upper Canyon Rd. among beautiful ancient Pines, then in the afternoon we go up the mountain to Aspen Vista to hike and continue our practice among the majestic Aspens. This will be a most relaxing and peaceful day, and will include:
9:30am – 10: Gathering with tea.
10am – 12: Tai Ji Qigong Nei Gong.
12:30pm: Lunch.
2pm – 4: Hike and Practice in Nature.
No prior experience needed Lunch will be at the Tea House for those who choose. Space is limited.
RSVP by June 23rd
Thank you.
Hope to see you!